Privacy Policy

This policy is drafted in compliance with current Italian privacy legislation, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the principles developed by the Italian Data Protection Authority and the equivalent European Authorities.

Purpose of processing

The personal data expressly provided by users who forward through direct email or contact forms requests of any kind are used for the purpose of following up on them and are communicated only to third parties involved in processing the request.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, which is necessary to respond to e-mail communications, as well as any other personal data spontaneously included in the e-mail.

Profiling Treatment

With your free and optional consent (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR), which can be expressed by checking the appropriate consent box on the website, S.F.E. S.R.L. will process your personal data for profiling purposes, in order to be able to send you personalized promotional communications consistent with your profile , to carry out analysis and statistical processing regarding your personal characteristics for activities of. “clustering,” i.e., for creating “target groups” for internal analysis and monitoring of market and consumption trends, for creating new “clusters” of users based on similar browsing habits and interests .
If you do not consent to the processing of your personal data for profiling purposes, your ability to browse the website and benefit from its features will not be affected in any way, nor will you suffer any other detrimental consequences.
You may in any case freely and without charge revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data for profiling purposes at any time by making a request to us in the appropriate contact section above.

By whom your data are processed

Internal Recipients: In S.F.E. S.R.L., only those persons who need the data for the stated purposes, whose name, job description and relevant permissions are written in the company’s compliances to the GDPR can access the data
External recipients: we only transmit personal data to external recipients outside S.F.E. S.R.L. if this is necessary for processing or fulfilling your request, if there is another legal authorization or obligation or if you have given us your consent to do so.
They may be:
(a) Processors such as external suppliers we use to deliver services, or to provide contractually relevant content. These request processors are carefully selected and regularly monitored by us to ensure that your privacy is preserved. Service providers may use data only for the purposes specified by us and according to our instructions.
b) Public bodies Government authorities and institutions, such as prosecutors, courts or tax authorities to which we must transfer personal data to fulfill legal obligations. Transmission shall be made in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter (c) of the GDPR.

Treatment of newsletters

To subscribe to our newsletter you will need to enter your contact information and agree to the specific consent.
We will send the newsletter only after registration and your consent according to Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.
Our newsletters contain information about our products, offers, promotions and info about S.F.E. S.R.L. and therefore, by subscribing to the newsletter your data will be processed for direct marketing purposes via. Consent to the processing of your personal data in order to receive the newsletter is free and optional; if you do not consent, you will not receive any marketing communication from S.F.E. S.R.L., but your ability to use the website and take advantage of its functions will not be affected in any way.

Other treatments

In all other cases where you provide us with personal data in any other way, this will always be done on a voluntary basis. Your information will be processed by us to process your request in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) (if your request relates to a possible contract to be entered into with us or a contract already entered into with us) or (f) of the GDPR (for any other type of request) and in this context may also be transmitted to third parties only for the purpose of processing your request.

Important Warnings

The website is protected by special security measures, always in line with technological progress and the evolution of computer risks; the specific security measures observed for the management of the website are contained in the Privacy Policy of S.F.E. S.R.L..
Please be advised that although the company does everything reasonably possible to protect the site and any personal data provided by Web surfers, in the current state of technology it is not possible to completely avert the risk of security when browsing or transmitting data via e-mail: no Internet or e-mail transmission can ever be said to be perfectly secure or error-free.
The use of passwords, identification (ID) numbers or other special access keys on this website is the responsibility of the user.

Length of retention and deletion

If the description of individual services does not provide information on the specific retention period or deletion of data, the following applies:
We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the intended purposes or, in the case of consent, until consent is withdrawn. If you object to processing, we will delete your personal data, unless their further processing is necessary to pursue other legitimate processing purposes.
We will also delete your personal data when we are required to do so by any legal obligations.

We will also delete your personal data when the following conditions are met:
– Should the legal basis on which the processing is based cease to exist, unless further retention is necessary to comply with legal obligations or to pursue other legitimate processing purposes. If the latter case occurs, we will delete the data after the further legal basis also disappears.
– When they will no longer be necessary for the purposes of preparation and execution of a contract or legitimate interests and no other legal basis will exist such as when further retention is necessary to comply with legal tax or business record keeping obligations.

Marketing Treatment

With your free and optional consent (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR), we will process your data for marketing purposes (direct sales, sending advertising material, carrying out market research, commercial communication and customer satisfaction surveys), sending you information and offers related to the products and services of S.F.E. S.R.L. that we think you might be interested in, via mail, email, text message, fax and landline/mobile phone with or without an operator, WhatsApp and social media (such as, for example, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Consent to the processing of your personal data is free and optional and in case of non-consent you will not suffer any prejudicial consequences.
You may revoke your consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes at any time and free of charge, without any consequences, in the manner indicated in the appropriate section, including selectively, by informing us that you no longer wish to be contacted through one or more contact methods.
Therefore, please let us know if you would like to consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes and to be contacted by S.F.E. S.R.L. to check the appropriate consent request box.

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